SuzyQ's Views

SuzyQ's Views
SUZY Q's VIEWS -- See them on the Facebook page. Just click on her image.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Dogs, Dogs Everywhere

Almost Home Dog Rescue held a Meet and Greet at Cutter's Mill Natural Pet Store which is less than a quarter mile from my home, and Carolyn, who organizes the transports and fosters dogs constantly had five puppies and two adult dogs that she was bringing, so I volunteered to help out.

Here's Fay typically introducing herself
I was put in charge of Fay, a cutie pie with high energy and confidence, who loves people and had to inspect everything.  She's a hound dog mix, about 3-1/2 months old.  She kept me hopping!  We walked everywhere, around people, through the legs of people (well, she walked through their legs, while I apologized profusely and worked at getting her leash into my other hand between the person's legs without getting to know them a whole lot better than either of us wanted to).  We were here, there and everywhere.

Puppies - 4 brothers and sisters

The puppies were very popular with those who stopped by.  Everyone wanted to hold them.  They were little fluff balls.

Bandit, who I transported several weeks ago, was also there, still looking for his forever home.  He's such a handsome boy, but it was hard to compete with the puppies!

A lot of people stopped to meet the dogs, so it was very busy most of the time.  Lots of questions to answer, lots of begging by children to take a dog or puppy home, and some stern "noes" in response.

But there were people who came to the Meet and Greet to possibly find the perfect dog for them.  One couple applied to foster-to-adopt one of the dogs (sorry, I don't know which one, other than I know it wasn't my Fay, or Bandit), so they will soon be having a home visit and taking care of their new canine friend, and if all works out well, they will be proud new parents.

Buddy and His Fosters
And happily, a mother and daughter who have fostered before for Almost Home decided to become a foster family again, and took Buddy home with them today.  All three look extremely happy about this decision.

Fay in her crate, preparing for a snooze
At the end of the event, two hours later, my little rambunctious Fay finally started to poop out.  Most of the other dogs had long since laid down to sleep or rest, but Fay just kept on going like the Energizer bunny.  But finally, she had worn herself out, and made herself comfortable in the crate she'd arrived in.

At least she had enough sense to find a comfy spot on top of a towel to nap on.  One of the other puppies picked a rather unusual spot to lay his head.

This puppy is not eating!

All in all, it was a fun and successful event.  I noticed the collection jar for contributions to Almost Home was quite full of paper money, and several people seemed very serious about adopting.  Some were directed to to see more details about their possible new pup.  So I'm keeping my fingers crossed they all find fine homes real soon.
 In the meantime, I'm pooped, so I'm going to take a nap -- on my pillow!

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