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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Oh, Danny Boy!

Transport of Danny 8-14-10

Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. Well, we felt like nuts because Danny took over the front seat of my small Hyundai Elantra.

My friend, Carol, once again accompanied me for my latest transport of rescue dog, Danny, a golden retriever from West Virginia. We were also supposed to pick up another dog, Maggie, but she ended up with a fever so it was decided she wouldn't travel yesterday.

It's a good thing! Danny had been neutered only the day before, but still maintained his spirit of adventure. And he wanted to adventure right into the front seat as we drove. Why? Well, first of all, probably because he could. He was, after all, an active, not-feeling-sorry-for-himself-at-all kind of dog. He wanted his share of love and attention.

Some day I should probably learn how to put together the dog crates I have for carting these rescue dogs. Anyway, Danny was a handful, but so beautiful and lovable. He loved his water, his treats and Carol; not necessarily in that order. This picture depicts the close relationship he and Carol developed so quickly. We hadn't even left the parking lot yet!

The drive was uneventful, except for Danny trying to either drive or cuddle with Carol, but when we exited the turnpike, we decided we should give Danny a rest. OK, Carol and I needed the rest. But Danny seemed to enjoy the stop too. And we pushed on to Doylestown, where Alice again waited for her newest foster dog. Thank you, Alice, for being so generous with your time, patience and affection for these wonderful dogs who have escaped a certain death. You and your husband, Tom, give your fosters happiness and a sense of stability, I'm sure, and an opportunity to have a taste of family life, as your two wonderful dogs also welcome their latest buddy into the fold. Here Danny is at Alice's with his new Newfie brother. You can see Danny was still favoring Carol. Geesh, what am I? Just a chauffeur?!!?

Next Saturday, I'll be transporting Maggie, assuming she's over her fever by then. Carol can't go with me. Why am I not too upset? LOL.

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