Carol and I were off yesterday to pick up Angel and Angelica, 8 month old Bichon Frisee sisters, who arrived on a large transport from Ohio. Their history stated they were a "forced surrender". We'll never know what those circumstances were. But I am absolutely positive the surrender wasn't because of neighborhood complaints about these two little sweeties yapping too much. We never heard a peep out of them. They were brave little girls.
Angel and Angelica arrived in a trailer that looked like a horse trailer with no windows. Many dogs alighted, all of which were quite pleased to be in the great outdoors on such a nice day. This one pup was especially fun to watch as he pranced around, showing off his toy. Dogs will be dogs, no matter what.
Eight dogs were going in this van to Connecticut, with Sue and Rob, who obviously are quite dedicated to their rescue work.

Sue diligently went through the paperwork to be sure her assigned dogs had the proper paperwork. All dogs in this transport system arrive with veterinarian records indicating what shots they've just had, and when they were neutered, if known. Usually those same vets neuter anyone who hasn't already been fixed. It's so important as organizations such as these continue their work towards no more homeless pets.
I don't know how I got so lucky to transport these two little white puffs of fur. Yes, they needed a good grooming, but they were so friendly and well-behaved. When they weren't "velcroed" together in a common mission of smelling the smells, Angelica was most interested in seeing what was happening around her. Angel, on the other hand, was looking for belly rubs and cuddles, and freely gave away her kisses.

After quick slurps of water, and a successful walk in the grass, we picked up our little charges and deposited them in the back seat, where they immediately curled up for a good snooze. Never has a dog transport been so tranquil. I think they were grateful to have a little peace and quiet, as Josh Groban softly sang in the background, and Carol and I chatted our way to Montgomeryville, where we met Shelley, the dogs' foster mom.
Angel and Angelica again displayed their resilient and gleeful nature by greeting Shelley with lots of opportunities for her to pet them, and excitedly wagging their ragged little tails.
I'm pretty sure that once they got to Shelley's house, met their two foster dog brothers, and had a little dinner, they probably conked out into a blissful sleep, but instead of counting sheep, they counted little Bichon Frisees.