Colleen with Shorty |
Yesterday was fun, informative and oh so educational. Colleen, who oversees the Molly's Dogs, as they are affectionately called, arranged for a dog training demonstration with Lisa Berkenstock, dog trainer extraordinaire. My nephew, Eric, and I were part of a 12-person class, where we learned so much about how dogs think and react, and why they do the things they do.
Because the rescue dogs that come through the Almost Home network have unknown backgrounds, and chances are high they arrive stressed and fearful, it is especially important to handle these dogs with care.
Lisa Berkenstock |
Lisa recommended the Freedom harness, which allows the dog to be tethered comfortably without choking him, and provides a pleasant walking experience. She focused on proper walking and how to divert the dog's attention when he might be showing signs of aggression towards another person or dog. She also explained some great ways to accomplish better behavior at home (of the dog, not you) when guests arrive. She answered questions and gave her expert advice. Her credentials as a Veterinary Behavior Technician, and her years of experience working with dogs were obvious. She knows of which she speaks!
Andrea and Gloria |
But this was much more than just a classroom under a pavillion. We had a few Molly's Dogs to work with, and we each took a turn following Lisa's instructions on how to hold the leash properly, put ourselves between our dog and those approaching, and how to best get the dog's attention away from them so we could reward him. Lisa demonstrated how to find the right distance, away from those approaching, where your dog will accept treats or food -- a huge motivator for dogs.
Training in Action |
Eric Training with Gloria |
The Molly's Dogs were great. They entertained us, showed how smart they are as they caught on so quickly, and I think everyone felt a lot was accomplished. This is one of the times when I can say "a good time was had by all".
Shorty Waits His Turn |
Brownie and Eric Take Each Other In |
Buckeye Taking a Breather |
We humans learned a lot and spent some time with canines, which is important to each of us. The dogs enjoyed their time in the park, the sunshine, the grass, and the attention showered upon them. I suspect, though, that the best part for them might have been those yummy treats they received for a job well done.
Gloria - Don't You Just Want to Take Her Home? |
Don't forget you can check out the adoptable Molly's Dogs at the link at the top right of this page.
You may also click on www.mypetsteacher.com for more information about Lisa Berkenstock. She is a Certified Veterinary Behavior Technician, with over 30 years of professional experience. She holds a BS in Biology from Delaware Valley College of Science and Agriculture, and is also a licensed veterinary technician. She is a state representative for the Society of Veterinary Behavior Technicians and an adjunct professor at Manor College, teaching a "Breeds and Behavior" class to future veterinary technicians